Friday, June 16, 2006

Baby Soul Rock'n'Roll Oh Mah Word It's Out of Control

J, I've got a tawpic for you.

Rules for being interviewed on TV:
  1. Spit out that damn gum.
  2. Please make sure your hair is not chlorine-green.
  3. Opt for the waterproof, non-smudgy type of mascara. You're worth it, as they say.
  4. Sometimes it's nice to have concealer that approximates your skin color. But then, it might be tough to match if you've been daily irradiated by a tanning bed and don't remember what your skin color is.
  5. A nice pair of slacks never hurt anyone.
  6. Even when you are pregnant, 89% of your cleavage need not be on display.

Yes, I was pretty horrified and saddened at Britney's interview with Matt Lauer yesterday. Aging Cowgirl got the play-by-play. It was just so WTFwasshethinkingorwassheatall.

To some extent I think, yes, she brought it on herself with her career/life choices and utter lack of savvy.'re a mom now. No more "not a girl not yet a woman" crap. Get it together or get some help. You have the resources, and therefore I have very little sympathy for you.

The paparazzi should be ashamed of itself but, well, as if that would ever happen. Will they be moved by her tearful pleading for them to leave her alone? Doubt it. I will admit it was heartbreaking though.

So no matter what you think of Jennifer Lopez and her "singing" and her ostentatious consumption and her furs and her skeletal husband... you have to respect her gangster. She knows how to give good interview face. At least in public -- I've heard some rumors about her TMI backstage persona which give me pause.

Is it about age? Madonna, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Lopez (though no baby...yet) have all managed to keep some semblance of sanity. Granted, Madonna is on a slightly different scale than the rest of us. These women all came up from not-so-fancy roots themselves. But they were considerably older (right?) when achieving their fame, and it makes me think that matters a lot.

But in the end, the famehos will triumph....through branding. The title line refers to Brit's non-musical endeavors, including her upcoming line of *sigh* baby clothes. Well, whatever buys Sean Preston and future-sibling more Cheetos, I guess. And those sideways baseball caps, of course.

better yet, found the transcript! but check out pinkisthenewblog - trent is awesome, as usual.


lilbunny and espressoboy said...

Howdy. I thought about the interview for a breif moment last night... but did not partake. I don't know if I could have sat through a whole bunch of it. I did, however, watch the end of Chasing Liberty again :). This caused my man to poke fun at me (in good humor), at which point, I had to try and explain my "thing" for Mandy Moore. A lot of my sentences began with: "Well, in contrast to Britney...." the sense of style and the making sound career choices (from time to time)... these are things that I came up with.

I've seen snipets of the Brit either on the web or on TV -- and she just looks so... unkempt. Generally her outfit is unflattering and she could use a brush. Is it the baby? Is it her husband? Is it the paparazzi? Is it that she is just kinda crazy? Not Crazy in the Baby One More Time way (what with fun choreographed dance moves). But crazy in the not really one with reality, sad way.

And zuppe your rules for giving an tv interview should be bronzed and placed where all can see. The cleavage thing in particular reminded me of "Bridget Jones and the Edge of Reason" which I was sucked into earlier this week. Can't say I was a fan of the whole thing. Wasn't really crazy about B.J. and didn't understand why we had to see so much chest time and time again...

aging cowgirl said...

I found the B.S. interview (pun intended) really sad and I somehow felt like it was happening to me. In an act of transference, I felt like it were my own saga-- my life is unraveling, my career, husband, and public image have hit bottom and I decide to go public in order to use my charm to show everyone that I am still holding it together. I think that if I tell everyone it will be ok, it really will be ok and things will somehow work out. Except I can't keep lying to Matt Lauer (who will always be the weatherman to me) and it backfires, and everyone sees how I am really flailing and no one can help. see---really sad.

jblogs said...

aging cowgirl! LOL!

i really can't say i have anything of value to add to the insightful commentary. i haven't been able to catch a PEEEP of the interview...just the commentary on peanut gallery shows. my favorite: the best week ever on vh-1. who seconds that motion?!

but far as i'm concerned, BS needs an intervention. it's one thing to try to pass off trailer park for ghetto street cred...and then there's just lookin' like a mess and not of the glamour that made you a star to begin with.