Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Good Sounds and Bad Sounds

The Bad: Everywhere I go, this asinine song follows me: click on "collide". I hate it. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate.

The Good: So the new Christina Aguilera song rules. I like it more every time I hear it. No surprise, considering DJ Premier (half of one of my favorite hip-hop acts, Gangstarr, which sadly doesn't exist anymore but I guess they're each solo-ing for now) produced it. Apparently he was surprised Christina even knew who he was.

And then there's Gnarls Barkley, comprised of Cee-Lo and Dangermouse. They have a "myspace" account like every other musical act is, I don't know, forced to, but I cannot, in good conscience, link to one of those lousy pitiful excuses for a website. So here's their annoying actual site with all the stupid flash animation. But aside from all that, the music rocks. Listen to "Crazy".

And you know what is awesome? How much does this absolutely rule? Listen here.


jblogs said...

wow. christina's song...pretty good!

gnarls barkley...SOOO perfect. cee-lo's in his own orbit...but it's working for me on this song. i haven't heard the other songs on the album though...how'sit?

zuppe said...

I've yet to purchase or...er, obtain their album, b/c I need to listen to the other tracks. But the first single IS perfection, no?