Friday, June 16, 2006

it's all about me, baby

okay. so this is a place i used to host and regularly perform at a couple a years ago. this was back when i was much more prolific in the writing. i've been talking about getting back into writing and performing and sure enough, a last minute cancellation allowed me a 10 minute slot for this upcoming tuesday nite's at the cafe in little tokyo of downtown los angeles.

(lilbunny, this is the venue where the houseband guitarist is married to our favorite gilmore girls asian. go here and scroll about halfway down the entire page and you'll see a picture of her! woohoo!)

ack! so please wish me "break a leg" as i will need to write something between now and then...something worthy of a casual performance!


lilbunny and espressoboy said...

WOW J! You are more than just hollywood by association -- you are at the heart of the *new* *it* *scene* -- or at least the myspace site makes it seem like that :). Bestest of luck... Major Tip of the Hat to you for taking your talent to the masses. Break a leg!

aging cowgirl said...

J, what has been inspiring you lately? what do you want to write about? I've recently discovered the poet C.K. Williams-- and he has some good poems in the book "repair"-- it's the heavy stuff: death and forgiveness done really well.

aging cowgirl said...

good luck tonight! Please let us know how it goes---

jblogs said...

thanks so much aging cowgirl!!! :) :) :)

it was really great to be doing it...and i totally was nervous cuz i had been a year or so since i had performed. it was really gratifying...and i have the bug to be writing more and performing more...ack! (that's after i get the rest of my personal life together as well)

people laughed. my coworker/friend saw me perform for the first time and she said she really enjoyed it...and that made me happy. :)

jblogs said...

fyi: a couple pieces i read that night