Friday, June 16, 2006

Poll: What contact lenses do you you use?

I have been a frill delinquent and can't wait to catch up on these posts!

Anyway, so I have an eye doctor appt next week and am contemplating getting new contact lenses. I have been using the same brand of soft non-disposable ones for forever and wanted to see if anyone had suggestions for brands. Also, are disposable better than non-disposable?

1 comment:

lilbunny and espressoboy said...

i believe i use Acuvue soft contact lenses that are 2-week disposable. i like these 'cause they are comfy. i also like disposable ones because if i'm traveling, i can take a couple with me, just in case. i can also keep a pair at work, if i want to put some on last minute, or something. i don't worry as much about losing or tearing them either since, they are, afterall, meant to be disposable.