Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Especially for KM

...OK, fine, and for me too.

Richard Coyle with an intense and non-dorky look on his face!

And the preternaturally gorgeous Toby Stephens. Who, must admit, may not be aging well. He was so hot in the movie version of Twelfth Night.

BBC America is so good to me. Besides all this, they've provided a cheesy supernatural drama called Hex starring yet more British cuties. I like Troy. He sort of looks like the cowardly lion, but onscreen his cheekiness makes him adooorable.

Oh, and lookit (though this picture doesn't do it justice):

And matching eyeshadow. I got many props when I wore this necklace to a family party, just so you know :P

I'll have to post my customized bling from Aging Cowgirl's soiree soon too!


aging cowgirl said...

I really like the necklace-- that's high level beadwork right there. I saw many examples of this in South Africa and was tempted to buy. I ended up buying a multi-strand piece with only a little bit of weaving at the ends and haven't worn it yet. Maybe in five years when I finally invest in a digital camera I will post pictures . . .

jblogs said...

super sexy eyes zuppe! i can see why you'd invest in such a variety of shadow!

lilbunny and espressoboy said...

what was the blend there zuppe?