Friday, March 03, 2006

can i just say...

i love you guys.

i love this blog.

we're sO genius.


zuppe said...

yes you can just say that. and you can just say that again and again!


aging cowgirl said...

and it all started on the subway--- just a couple of girls who had a dream (and were overstuffed with shanghai bao).

jblogs said...

oh aging're making me all verklempt! :'(

i miss you guys. this has been so therapeutic for me to feel connected with you and such from all the way over in here parts. i literally check in with you guys online, at my laptop by my bed nearly every evening before i rest my weary head (awwww.)

and by the swattie alum news: i will be connecting with vincent jones tomorrow here in LA at a downtown brewery (apparently) that we both frequent. weird! and all because of that dang "linkedin" website (which I will be inviting you all we don't have enough online networking things already). hahah!

zuppe said...

count me as verklempt as well.

"and it all started on the subway--- just a couple of girls who had a dream (and were overstuffed with shanghai bao)." I swear to ye gods, that is like a line from a great disco song. I am listening to way too much KTU 103.5