Thursday, March 09, 2006

A shipping container full of hammers... in, "dumb as a"

And thusly, I sum up my thoughts on "Cycle" 6 of America's Next Top Model.

So we have one Asian American sista taking us a step forward (big ups to Chloe Dao) ... and then we got some blithering idiot pulling us back a few: Gina. Oy gevalt. I just feel like smacking her. Repeatedly.

Why do the pretty Boho girls of NYC need to be so goddamn arrogant? First YaYa, now Jade. So incredibly gorgeous, yet so infuriatingly deluded. No one, NO ONE, who proclaims she is out there "to compete and not make friends" actually makes it to the end.

Thank the TV gods that Tyra didn't take on Dani AKA TexasRepublicanBigotCheerleader. Not only is she racist and homophobic, she is just plain ol' stupid. I mean, I can at least have a teensy bit of respect for intelligent racists. They're a challenge. But stupid ones? *Smack smack*

My favorites so far include: Nnenna (sob story of struggle from Nigeria); Wendy (sob story of struggle from New Orleans); Mollie Sue (redhead who is a little scary, already showing signs of being S3 Nicole-ish); Leslie (looks very much like Thandie Newton); and Joanie (looks a lot like Joely Richardson). I am also loving that some girls have the fabulous non-perky ethnic noses I embrace.

Next week, the makeover episode! If you don't watch the show regularly, this is the episode to watch. There will always be some "WTF?!" and of course, tears! Because my hair, my hair, don't cut my hair!


aging cowgirl said...

I'm not a regular ANTM watcher so perhaps my comments are not relective of the larger genius of the show, but it was just so disappointing. Not only does Gina make me cringe and wish she would just get eliminated so that we wouldn't have to hear, "I don't know who I am". We may all have those moments but that comment in conjunction with her vapid expression and confusion about whether she likes Asian guys is too much.
It's not fair to compare it to Project Runway, but I was so struck by the lack of personality/intelligence/skill on ANTM. They are learning how to be models so we can't expect to know the "craft" but it makes for frustrating tv. Clearly some know their angles better than others (and I feel a strong connection to Brook, with the strong chin and the prettiness that middle American doesn't understand) but there is something missing, I think. I may be hooked.

zuppe said...

*cackles* I do enjoy turning people on to pop-culture-crack. I am intrigued by Brooke as well.

I really don't understand why people pose w/ their armpits in full view.

I was comparing this show to PR, though I should know better. For once on ANTM, why can't they choose people who know their shit? Or at least, you know, a wee turd of something, like high-fashion models who aren't in Victoria's Secret? I'd rather watch contenders who already have some amount of game rather than idiots waiting to be "discovered". That's a large part of the appeal of PR, I think, you're watching people who don't need to struggle with basics (OK, maybe some struggle).

Argh. TelevisionWithoutPity is already hating on the noses.

starbright oogi said...

I think nnenna rocks. mollie sue is also cool, mainly because i love that shade of red (i wonder if it will be changed tonight?). jade is a nut but love her fashion sense. i also sort of like the blonde sporty georgetown chick. okay and the asian chick-- crazy! girlfriend needs to run a comb through her hair and stop talking.