Monday, March 20, 2006

what's up with gina from antm?

why does the asian representation gotta be all self-hatin and weird?

i'm just sayin.

edited by zuppe because km and I was scurrrrrred of her. and that cleavage is such a lie.


aging cowgirl said...

I feel like Gina is sullying our blog with her lack of confidence and ethnic insecurity. Does she have any redeeming qualities?

starbright oogi said...

high cheekbones?

zuppe said...

Egad! This photo scared me when I opened this page!

I don't even like her cheekbones. They're no good if you can't do anything remotely interesting with your face. And her lips always look pursed/pinched so I am *seriously* not feeling her look at all. Nigel has a terrible fetish for women of East Asian descent.

She also has the most horrific open parentheses thighs "( )"
I guess those are revered in the model world, but again, she does nothing with them. I just re-watched the makeover episode yesterday so I could relish in Jade's idiocy (uh, strong-ass women don't cry over spilled hair like that) -- and Gina was so god-awful in that fashion challenge they had. She is the anti-thesis of fierce. Yikes. So... no redeeming qualities there. Be stupid as all get out if you want, but don't you dare claim to be repping for Asians, girl please.

I'm just pissed at this show because every season it's people who don't seem to have watched the show before. Yes, your hair will be cut off in a potentially unflattering way. Yes, your preppy ass will be told to be punk even if you act like you've never seen a body piercing in your life. Yes, you aren't here to make friends, but DAMN stop talking about it so much.

And yet I can't wait for tonight's episode. Cheerio!

zuppe said...

gah!!!! why the f is she not gone from this goddamn show?!?

they had to push her onto the runway. idiots.

they're just hating on kari because girlfriend has thighs. but I guess they're trying to avoid holding onto anothe model that can't walk in heels (cf. Sarah, S5).

but damn, Kari was so so so cute. She is the most dollish-looking person I've seen.

Gina is straight up oogly to me right now. She always looks nervous and her overbite irritates me beyond belief.


starbright oogi said...

what's up with gina being called technical? that's what they called april of seasons past. all asians are technical i guess.

gina needed to go. i am guessing they are trying to milk the jade feud.

lilbunny and espressoboy said...

i was gonna comment earlier on the cleavage.... 'cause... well, i felt it needed commenting on. but i wasnt' sure we wanted to go there. thanks zuppe, for as always, paving the way. do you think it is all over-the-shoulder-support or so you think she's doing something funky with her arms that we can't see?

jblogs said...

thanks for the edit zuppe. i was feelin' that way too but i still have not yet discovered (or cannot remember) the html to restrain the size of the pic. ack!

i missed wed's show. :( sniff. too busy with freakin' work! but is good...lots of blessings (just remember that...just remember that)


zuppe said...

I don't know what is going on with that cleavage. One thing I know is that it certainly doesn't distract me from that buck-toofed vacant expression.

I suspect a industrial strength undergarment perhaps with padding. And yes, lilbunny, I do detect some slight arm pushing/thrusting going on.

I won't stop hating until she is off the goddamn show.

J, I don't know the HTML either (there you go being that technical Asian self again!) but if you use the 'compose' entry window, you can insert a photo using the picture icon button -- which gives you the option to shrink the photo.

I am liking Danielle. She is sensible. And also, FIEEEEEERCE.

jblogs said...

ohhh! nice! compose will let me shrink? never knew.

what can i say, i've been reaping dividends from my asian technical-ness for years (heck! my job title is research associate!)