Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Finale of the Final Three

Eeeeeeee! I am so nervous for our final three. Even Santino. He looked so dazed and confused at the end of the last ep. And the "preview clips" seemed like the judges were tearing all of them a new one.... My fingers, toes, and eyes are crossed... Best of luck to the Final Three as we enter T minus 8 hours....


aging cowgirl said...

yes, yes, I am nervous too. There is something comforting about knowing that even if they don't win, they will probably go on to do cool things. They may all (and Santino especially) be better off if they don't win and don't have to work with Banana Republic for a year.

zuppe said...

It was so cruel to make them create this last outfit. I totally understand that dazed feeling Santino had at the store. I mean, if *Santino* can't talk? dude must be spent.

I do think they will go on to cool things regardless if they win or not. Let's just leave Wendy Pepper the hell out of this picture... but Kara Saun and Austin seem to be doing all right. Kara Saun may be a WB costume person, which is kind of cool, though I'm not sure if that was her job before.

So Jay McCarroll did not opt to do the BR intern/assistant-ship ... and nor did he take the seed money (maybe the two were linked or something). So I guess the winner might have options.

Also -- whole new slew of model-hopefuls on Top Model tonight also. Ah, Reality TV, I am your most loyal servant.