Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Washington is not a frilly city

. . . but if there is one thing I appreciate more than frills, it is gravitas and our nation's capitol has that covered, especially in its architecture. I found myself strangely comforted by the behemoth marble and concrete buildings that seem to say "Despite the fact that it feels like this country is going to hell in a handbasket, there actually was some restraint and forethought in the way our government was set up".
In more frilly news, I ate at the (relatively new) Museum of the Native American upon Zuppe's recommendation and was impressed with the selection that included things like blackened salmon and spiced pumpkin seeds. I also saw this cool exhibit at the Hirshorn Museum. It was on the work of Hiroshi Sugimoto, a contemporary Japanese photographer who shoots in black and white and plays on ideas of making reproductions of reproductions. For example, he took photos of the dioramas at the Museum of Natural History and they look almost real, but then you realize that there is no way he could have been that close to the animals and that there is something off about the background.
My friend, I'll call her Mimi, and I got makeovers done at the MAC counter. I asked for wild-n-crazy eye makeup and the MAC artist said she was going to do an intense purple thing, but I was disappointed. Mimi said I looked like a glamorous Mom picking up her kids after school. I was drawn to the MAC counter because they seemed to take more risks with what they had on their faces, but I ended up looking middle aged. How do you all feel about the mall makeup counters?


zuppe said...

I don't think I have enough room to say what I think of mall makeup counters. Or maybe it can be summed up:

I avoid them at all costs.

I don't think they know more than I do, even about their own product line sometimes, and I don't think they have better skills than I do. And more often that not I think their own makeup is unattractive or just not my style, and it's rare to find a person with truly excellent CS skills and attitude.

I also think purple eyeshadow or liner never looks intense on brown people. At most, it can look "cute" (lilac) or "vampy" (eggplant), but the color just does not have enough contrast to look intense on us. A better choice is blue, or blue/violet, green, yellow, fuchsia, or orange. I love me some purple eyeshadow, but it does not love me back as much as other colors do.

OK, I guess there was enough room.

starbright oogi said...

i think zuppe is the only makeup artist that will give us the intensity we want. btw, finding the right purple has been an impossible task for me so i emphathize.

i chuckled at your admission of loving gravitas more than frill. hmmm... like a painting of a victorian lady, a stoic expression by one covered in ruffly goodness.