Monday, March 06, 2006

you know it's hard out heeeeere....

Can I just say how absolutely thrilled I am that Three 6 Mafia won an Oscar award? How awesome was that?! I loved Dolly Parton's song for Transamerica, and she is just so cute, but I mean... "It's Hard Out Here for A Pimp" winning? was a great moment.

So I've heard that Terrence Howard was "dissuaded" from performing the song himself at the awards show by Denzel Washington, Will Smith and Sydney Poitier. Eeeeenteresting. So it's not OK for Terrence to rap about being a pimp. And yet, as Miss Info of Hot97 pointed out, it's somehow OK for Taraji Henson to sing about being a ho?

In other Oscar news, was every woman wearing off-white yesterday? aging cowgirl it looks like Boring Beige Band-Aid colors are hot right now. But of course, Jennifer Lopez bucked the trend and wore the most amazing rich warm grass green color. I've been trying to find an eyeshadow that color for YEARS. She looked very overly made-up though, at least on stage, but I have yet to see a close-up photo.

In random findings news, I did not know Kal Penn is really Kalpen Modi of Montclair, NJ. I mean, I guess I should have known "Kal Penn" was not his given name.


aging cowgirl said...

I actually liked many of the boring beige looks at the oscars. i thought sandy bullock looked good although I prefer the darker hair color, as did amy adams and jessica alba. michelle williams' dress was so great. the yellow! i agree that j.lo looked severe and not in top form. how did you all feel about the goddess up-dos that seemed to be the hairstyle of choice?

i fear that i may have gotten the model minority haircut, the feared triangle bob, even though i asked for layers and "candy coated depth". the whole experience was lacklustre--the stylist was giving off a frazzled mom vibe and seemed to not have high expectations of my hair.

lilbunny and espressoboy said...

*gasp!* -- not have high expectations of your hair?! a.c. we so got your back, that "stylist" is going to hear some words... some not so pleasant words from us. :( -- I'm sorry that the entire experience was lacklustre. You should come back to Cambridge -- we can have a Carraige House Day! (you did like your cut from them, right?)

i enjoyed the gold on j. alba and j. garner. i actually really liked the white/cream on n. kidman -- i thought she looked very pretty when not overly- done-up as she has done in years past. this time, she looked like she was just floating around, no worries, no probs (of course, she wasn't up for an award either, which i suppose makes the whole thing more mellow).

dolly parton: love the song, liked the performance. her face scared the beejeesus outta me though. i do wonder if there is something in collagen/botox that has addictive properties...

when they started performing "It's hard out here...." i was like "ohmygod. the academy is so not ready for this." i guess they proved me wrong ;) bravo. Bra. Vo.

zuppe said...

I could just keep saying "Bra. Vo." all day. I really could. That and the word "totty" are very addictive.

Kidman looked good. I like the white - it had enough contrast for her I think.

I still haven't found a good photo resource yet, but Michelle Williams may be my favorite. I may have to buy the gloss that Jessica Alba supposedly wore (Dior Bite of Toffee). I enjoyed Charlize Theron's poufy dress details. Funnily enough, Jennifer Lopez's close-ups look better to me than the far-away tv shots. Weird, nah? I liked the color of Keira Knightley's dress, but she still irritates me. I can't really put my finger on it, but she does.

What is up with all these hairstylists of New Haven disrepecting what is probably the city's finest head of hair? I don't get it. If you don't need monthly appointments, ac, I'd support going to Carriage House or Hoshi Coupe when you have the time.

lilbunny and espressoboy said...

zuppe, let me just say to you: Bra. Vo. Bra. Vo. You rock girl-friend, and always will.

aging cowgirl said...

beejesus is the word of the day! and so apt for dolly.

thanks, zuppe and lilbunny, for making a girl with a middling haircut feel better. I tried to tousle it up yesterday with garnier surf hair and that helped bring out the layers a little bit. you're right, i need to make the trip to carriage house. life is hard enough without getting your heart broken everytime you get your hair cut.

starbright oogi said...

i love mr. modi. i also really liked meryl streep's dress... she was hot. i liked j garner as well... i blinked during the oscars and missed when she almost tripped though. oh well.